Adding or deleting tags


Add or delete tags on a single resource

Adding tags on a single EC2 instance:

  1. Navigate to the resource we want to tag, in this case we will access our Amazon EC2 Console.
  2. In the navigation bar at the top of the screen, ensure that the correct Region is selected (In this lab, we are using the Singapore region)
  3. Click on the resource to tag from the list of resources, select the Tags tab, and then select Manage tags


  1. Next, click on Add tag. Enter Key and Value information for the tag as shown below and click Save.


We have just added a new tag to identify the operating system for EC2 Instance.

Add or delete tags on groups of resources

Adding tags on multiple EC2 instances:

  1. Access the Amazon EC2 Console.
  2. In the left pane, select Tags
  3. Select Manage Tags


  1. On the Manage Tags page, select the type of resource to filter at Filter (for example, Instances)
  2. To add tags on the resource group:
    • Select the resources you want to tag
    • From the Add Tag section, fill in Key and Value of your desired tag and click Add Tag


  1. To delete the tag on the resource group:
    • Select the resources which you want to remove a given tag
    • At Remove Tag, fill in Key and select Remove Tag.