Creating a Resource Group
Create a Resource Group
In this step, we will create a Resource Group categorized by tag.
- Go to the AWS Resource Groups Console
- In the left pane, click on Create Resource Group
- From the Create query-based group page, under Group type, select Tag-based.
- Under Grouping criteria, select Resource types (resource type) is AWS።EC2።Instance.
- Under Tags, type tag “key=BusinessUnit, Value=Marketing” and then press Add to add the tag.
- Click Preview group resources to show Group Resources resources with the resource type and tag mentioned above.
- In the Group details section, enter the following parameters:
- Group name: MarketingBu
- Group description - optional: enter a description for Resource Group (eg: Servers of Marketing BU)
- Verify the above and click Create group.
We can skip Group tags - optional.
However, if you want the Resource Group being created to be a part of a larger Resource Group, you can add a tag to the Resource Group. (Example: “Key=Organization, value=AWS”)
- After the Resource Group has been successfully created, click Saved Resource Groups in the left pane to see the Resource Group we have just created.
Click on Resource Group MarketingBu.
Scroll down the Group resources section, you’ll see all the resources that belong to this Resource Group.